From Banc d’Arguin to Adrar

Welcome at Nouakchott airport by our team, formality and transfer to the hotel. Dinner and night at the hotel.


In the Morning
Departure early in the morning for the Banc d’Arguin national park. Lunch at the village of imraguens of Nouamghar.

In the Afternoon
Visit the places of gathering of birds. Dinner and night in a bivouac in Mahariat.


In the Morning
Departure for Benichab. Lunch in bivouac.

In the Afternoon
Visit the town and the neolithic dunes of the area. Dinner and night in bivouac.

In the Morning
Departure for the city of atar. Lunch at the oasis of Seguelil. Visit the ruins of the ancient city of Azougui.

In the Afternoon Continuation to Atar, discovery of the city and its market. Dinner and night at the Mehariste hotel in Atar.


In the Morning
Departure for Ouadane, an old important stage in the caravan trade between the Maghreb and sub-saharan Africa known among other things for its great scholars who pass on knowledge from father to son. Lunch in bivouac at the return of the city.

In the Afternoon
Visit and discover the ancient city of Ouadane and rock engravings in its surroundings. Dinner and night in bivouac.

In the Morning
Departure for Chinguetti, located in the heart of the massif Adrar. It’s onsidered the seventh holy city of Islam and the ancient starting point for the pilgrimage to mecca. Dinner at the auberge of Chinguetti.

In the Afternoon
Visit of the library of the old town and the market walk on the dunes. Dinner and overnight in a bivouac near Chinguetti or at the auberge of the village.

In the Morning
Departure for the Terjit spring, giant limestone rock, which stores water creating pools of warm water in an island of greenery. Visit the spring swimming in the natural basin and lunch under the date palms.

In the Afternoon
Departure for the White Valley . Superb landscapes of dunes and mountain massifs. Dinner and night in bivouac.

In the Morning
Depending on the chosen airline, transfer to Nouakchott airport.
Departure for Nouakchott. Lunch at the restaurant.

In the Afternoon
Visit the cloth market, the fishing port. Dinner at restaurant and transfer to airport.


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