Day 1: Europe – Nouakchott

Depending on the flight, we can arrive there in late afternoon or evening. Transfer from the airport to the camping next to the sea for the first night.

Day 2: Banc d’Arguin national park

Breakfast then we start our trip going to the National Park (jeeps 4×4). Once there we have the opportunity to admire many species of birds and the area around through a Pinasse (boat). Lunch and then we move towards Cap Tafarit. Dinner then we sleep in a berber tent.

Day 3: “Train du Desert”

Breakfast then we leave for Nouadhibou where we have lunch and then we wait for the Train du Desert. The train, which connects Zouerat mine and the port of Nouadhibou, doesn’t have a fixed timetable so it might be possible we need to wait few hours (from 3 up to 8 hours). But waiting increases the pleasure: the train is up to 3km (1.8 miles) in length, travels on a single track of 704 kilometres (437 miles), with 200 – 300 freight carriages, weighing up to a total of 84 tons and making it the longest and heaviest train in the world. You have the chance to experience an amazing adventure enjoying a breathtaking sunset while crossing non touristic Sahara desert part. It will takes around 12 hours to reach Choum (by train)

Day 4: Choum – Atar

We arrive in Choum during the night or at sunrise and we go to the village for the breakfast and to take a shower (house of local family). Once ready we get on our jeeps Atar’s direction (Adrar region). Lunch on the road and the we visit the beautiful market of Atar, an amazing place rich of colours and traditions. We will spend the night in the desert out of Atar sleeping in a tent. (dinner included).

Day 5: Al Beyedh – Richat – Ouadane

Full day dedicated travelling through the Sahara desert with striking landcapes. Along the road we will visit the Museum of the Desert in El Beyedh and Richat also known as the “Blue eye of Sahara” or the Richat Structure ( in Arabic Qalb Arrishat), a deeply eroded, slightly elliptical dome with a diameter of 40 kilometres that is a geological formation in the Sahara Desert. Once we arrive in Ouadane we set our tent then we dine in the desert and we sleep there.

Day 6: Chinguetti

Breakfast then we start the day visiting the old city of Ouadane, founded in 1147 by the berber tribe of Idalwa el Hadji: The town was a staging post in the trans-Saharan trades and for caravans transporting slabs of salt from the mines at Idjil. The next stop is Chinguetti. Once we get there we go to the hotel for the check in and the lunch. After lunch we visit this fascinating Chinguetti, the seventh holiest city of Islam and a World Heritage site of the UNESCO since 1996. It is an incredible place with a wealth of historical attractions as well as beautiful dunes that light up in every shade of colour under the sun. With buildings dating back to the 13th century, it was the capital of the Mauri kingdom and its scholars of Islamic culture were famous. We dine in the hotel then we might experience local dance.

Day 7: Terjit – Benichab

Breakfast and we leave to visit the Oasis of Mhairith and then the Oasis of Terjit inhabited by some families of local farmers, where we have some rest in the shade of a fascinating forest of date palms. We have lunch then we move to Benichab, very famous place for its mineral water (renowned and exported outside the country). We will set the tent in Benichab then we dine and sleep in the tent enjoying the desert night.

Day 8: Nouakchott

Today we need to wake up even early because we have to hit the road and reach Nouakchott. So after having a breakfast we leave for Nouakchott and once there we will have a lunch on the beach. After lunch we wait for the fishermen to return to shore and drop the fish on the beach: a unique momento among colorful boats, people, noise and fish. Then we visit the fish market next to the beach, another place that will make your experience memorable. Dinner and overnight stay in Nouakchott hotel.

Day 9: Nouakchott  – Italy

The package, which is 1000 Eur per person, includes the following services:

  • Guide
  • Cars
  • Gasoline
  • Train Du Desert
  • Food (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
  • Cooker
  • Hotels
  • Tents
  • Entrances according to the itinerary


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